Marketing & Sponsoring

TSI Congress 2020:
Live event in Berlin and at the same time Top virtual event on the internet

With the move to set up the congress as a hybrid event for the first time in 2020, we are entering a new era.
Let yourself be inspired and be part of it!

TSI has always been a place of communication and exchange, and since 2007 the congress has provided a platform for all stakeholders in the German and European securitisation market. It is necessary to redefine this and break new ground. With the step to set up the congress as a hybrid event for the first time in 2020, we are entering a new era:

TSI Congress 2020 – Berlin onsite & globally online.

The recipe for the success of the TSI Congress is its exclusive format: onsite in Berlin and as a streamed top event on the Internet for all those who cannot attend in person. So you can be there in Berlin from anywhere in the world – and help shape it!
But: networking and helping to shape things digitally? Is that even possible? YES, we are convinced it is, and we would like to inspire you to make this new format a success with us and thus take an important step into the future.

We have compiled the most important information about the new setup in the attached new marketing outline. All features for the virtual event are marked in petrol colour.


Highlights of TSI Congress 2020 – Berlin onsite & globally online

  • The TSI Congress will be set up as a hybrid event with the possibility of being held completely online.
  • Creation of a new event setup - with live webcast/streaming, possibility to digitally integrate participants regardless of location, provision 'on demand' even after the event (for all participants)
  • Expansion of the existing setup and know-how by means of digitalisation, live streaming and new direction
  • Adaptation of all workshop and panel formats to digital feasibility
  • Use of professional transmission technology
  • Exhibitor area throughout with virtual presence, also for stands onsite!
  • Digital tickets for participants who cannot/may not travel to Berlin, but who would like to network and share information with participants on site
  • Event programme also online!
  • Partners and sponsors receive double visibility: onsite AND online!

Let yourself be inspired and be part of it! 
